The Spirit of Giving
One of the main reasons we have the custom of giving and receiving presents at Christmas, is to remind us of the presents given to Jesus by the Wise Men: Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh.
Frankincense was a perfume used in Jewish worship and, as a gift, it showed that people would worship Jesus.
Gold was associated with Kings and Christians believe that Jesus is the King of Kings.
Myrrh was a perfume that was put on dead bodies to make them smell nice and, as a gift, it showed that Jesus would suffer and die.
Christmas itself is really about a big present that God gave the world about 2000 years ago - Jesus!
All over the world, families and friends give presents to each other. Most children around the world believe St. Nicholas, Santa Claus or Father Christmas brings them presents, but in Germany they believe that it is the Christkind, in Spain they believe it is the Wise Men and in Italy they believe it is an old lady called Befana.
Christmas Charities
Christmas time, for most, is all about the giving and receiving of gifts. Children wait anxiously to go down their stairs to see what Santa left for them under the tree. Mothers and fathers hope that the gifts they have chosen meet their expectations and bring joy to the faces of their children. Unfortunately, there are some children who don’t have the picture perfect Christmas morning. Parents lose their jobs, family members become ill, and sometimes there just isn’t enough money to go around. No child should have to go through Christmas without receiving at least one gift from Santa. A mother should never have to explain to their child why the jolly red suit didn’t come down the chimney and leave a present.
When times are tough, parents look toward Christmas charities as a way to provide a small amount of joy to their children, and luckily for those parents, there are millions of generous people who donate their time and gifts for these wonderful causes.
National And Local Charities
There are a number of national charities such as Toys-for-Tots®, Operation Christmas Child®, and Angel Tree®. These national groups have team members working in large cities and small towns throughout the United States. Organizations like the Marine Corps set up drop off centers, organize and wrap gifts, and then distribute them to needy families nationwide. Often, these national organizations are given publicity by local radio and television stations, and donations pour in from everywhere.
Other Christmas charities are handled by local agencies. Many churches will organize groups of people to buy gifts and deliver them to those who are in need. Some organizations will gather to provide charity Christmas presents to kids living in homeless shelters or on the street. Local charities often have little funds to publicize their activities, so many people don’t realize they are available. If you would rather donate to a local charity, consider contacting the local branch of the United Way or shelters in your area. These resources can usually point you in the right direction.
What Is Toys-For-Tots®?
One of the most well known Christmas Charities is the Toys-For-Tots® Campaign. This toy drive, sponsored by the US Marine Corps, is the national standard for charity Christmas gifts. Each year, members of the Marine Corp Reserves team up with radio stations, television stations, and a number of other groups to draw attention to their toy drive. Those wishing to make a donation of either gifts or money are encouraged to drop off their gifts at one of the many designated drop off points throughout the city. The gifts are then distributed to needy families, so no child is left without a gift to open on Christmas morning. Additional information on the Toys-For-Tots® program can be found at
Understanding Operation Christmas Child®
Operation Christmas Child® is another of the more popular Christmas charities. This program, sponsored by Christian group Samaritans Purse®, is designed to provide charity Christmas presents to children all over the world. Participant donors are asked to fill a shoebox with toys, clothes, school supplies, and even personal hygiene items. Often, these shoeboxes full of gifts are the only gifts recipients will ever get as children in war torn and disadvantaged countries. Along with these shoebox gifts, children receive personal messages from donors, as well as a message about the meaning of Christmas and what it means to follow Christ. Gifts are designed for both boys and girls aged 2-14. To find out what items are appropriate and to find out where donations and gifts can be sent, visit their sponsor’s webpage at
What Is The Angel Tree® Network?
Angel Tree® is a Christian based Christmas charity working to provide gifts to the children of those incarcerated in one of the nation’s many prisons. It is the belief of many that those who have a parent who is serving time don’t have the opportunity for personal connection with that parent. For these children and their incarcerated parent, Christmas can be one of the toughest times. Working with individual churches, the Angel Tree® Network matches parishioners with children in need of charity Christmas presents. These presents are purchased by the church members who then give the gifts over to local Angel Tree® coordinators. When Christmas morning arrives, these children receive a gift that is from their parents who are jailed. It’s an excellent way to give these children hope that their parents are thinking of them. Additional information can be found at
Christmas charities aren’t always about giving gifts. If you don’t have the money to purchase gifts for needy children, consider donating time. Often, these charities have thousands of gifts to deliver, but not enough people to do the work. If you do choose to donate charity Christmas presents, choose organizations that have a solid history and whose goal is to make the lives of children better instead of making a name for themselves.
So in keeping with the spirit of giving please if you haven’t already, make a donation of a gift or your time so that a child is not left out on Christmas. You know you want to.
Source: Christmas Charities
Why Christmas, Customs and Presents
I agree, it's important to keep the idea of giving open to those beyond our families and friends. There are so many ways to give of our time, effort and even money. Thanks for the reminder and information.