Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Have I Learned in 2010?

I’ve learned that I love #scriptchat and everyone associated with them. They are a wealth of knowledge for the aspiring screenwriter and extremely fun and helpful as well. Based on my #nano experience  it is always wise to tell other people what you are doing or going to do, so as to be held accountable. I now know for sure that I work very well with a deadline in place. I also know that I would not  have made it through #nano with out the support of certain fellow nanowrimo writers. Setting goals for one’s self is also important, no matter how big or small. If you happen to have to much on your plate and most of you probably do, attack  your projects in smaller pieces so as not to get overwhelmed and give up. I have learned that becoming a sold screenwriter is not going to happen over night and that I have a ton more to learn. But learn it I will. And to keep writing even when I don’t feel like it or have a lot of distractions. Keep on keeping on. I realized that it doesn’t matter the circumstances you are coming from , if you want to succeed badly enough, you will. So my advice is for everyone that wants to write, do it. As many others have said, “Just Get It Written.” And I for one plan on doing that. And above all else, keep the faith. Everything can and will happen when it is suppose to.  I hope everyone has a great and prosperous New Year. For those that  may be enjoying New Year’s Eve away from home, please be safe.

See you in 2011!!!


  1. I'm a big proponent of the accountability part. It's too easy to whisper promises to yourself and then ignore them.

  2. The Twitter #scriptchat community is a big community to be accountable to, but they are also extremely supportive. Glad to have you as part of the #scriptchat family.
